March Impact: 2023
This March has been a month of stability and growth for Mosaic. The numbers below represent the hard work put in by our employees and volunteers, as well as the generosity of each and every one of our donors. We look back at this last month of the quarter In celebration and gratitude! Thank you for all your support.
Fresh Start Campaign
This month, our donors gave $13,226.00 to help build the new Transformation Center.
The new face of Mosaic will be breaking ground soon and it’s all thanks to your generous support. Housing not only Mosaic CCDA and Mosaic Resale Store, The Transformation Center will contain the upcoming Mosaic Cafe, work and training space, and multiple nonprofit partners all in one location! Transformation is coming to SWMI and it’s all thanks to you!
Want to contribute? Click the button below.
Jobs for Life
In March, 17 lives were touched by Jobs for Life. and 60 hours of On-the-Jobs Training were served.
Jobs for Life has been making a true impact on the lives of students. Last month, students experienced a multicultural classroom with two students attending virtually, one all the way from Africa!
Want to be a part of Jobs for Life?
Resale Donations
This March 435 cars rolled up to Mosaic Resale to donate their items.
Thanks to all of you, our resale store is booming with donations! From furniture to shoes, each item donated is priced according to its estimated value. This helps us continue to fund our programs, run the store, and train students in customer service and retail.
Here are our donation guidelines.
Court Referral
In March 97.5 hours of community service were served at Mosaic. A total of 81 individuals were served by the court referral department overall.
Our Court Referral Program helps individuals complete their court-mandated community service hours by finding them placement and helping to track their hours. When court referrals are sent to Mosaic Resale Store, we strive to offer them a constructive and trauma informed environment to serve their time in.
100 Women Strong
In March, 3 were women given aid through 100 Women Strong.
100 Women Strong is a nonprofit partner of Mosaic’s. Our staff helps connect SWMI women with their services and grants.
Are you or someone you know a woman in need of financial assistance?
Waste Prevention
Last month, Mosaic Resale saved 36,700 lbs of goods from SWMI landfills.
Not only does Mosaic Resale Store help fund our programs and prepare students through work experience, MRS also helps reduce waste in our community. We recycle broken metal and glassware, and the clothes that don’t make it out on the floor are sent to third world countries to help meet clothing needs. Not only will shopping at our resale store promote a healthier environment, donating there will too!
In March, 45.5 volunteer hours were served.
The work that Mosaic does wouldn’t be possible without the help of every volunteer that walks through our doors. From sorting items in our resale store, to mentoring JFL students, we couldn’t do it without you.
Want to volunteer at Mosaic?
Referral Partner Program
Last month, 22 people were served by our resource referral program.
When one of our partner organizations sees someone in need, they give them a voucher to Mosaic Resale. From lice infestations, to fires, those who are directed to us with a voucher can pick out the items they need from our resale store.
Referral Partner Program
Throughout March, $1,719.14 worth of funds was given through this program.
Thanks to our partners identifying who should receive our vouchers, we are able to identify those who have the most urgent and get items to those who need them.
Feel Good Fridge
Last month, the Feel Good Fridge served 189 Homes and 468 people.
The Feel Good Fridge program gives us another way to provide the resources our community needs to thrive. Through a partnership with Whirlpool Corp. and Feeding America, community members can walk through our doors and pick up free fresh groceries to nourish themselves and their families. We fight to eliminate hunger and worry so that our community can Feel Good.