How can I donate?
You can click the black button in the upper right hand corner of this page.
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What does Mosaic do?
Mosaic provides hope, training, and support to residents of SWMI seeking employment. We do this by providing holistic services, education, on the job training, and mentoring.
How much money does it cost to sponsor a Career Pathway Institute (CPI) student
$1,500 — this covers curriculum, supplies, food, work stipend, and instructors fees
What is a Social Enterprise?
A social enterprise is simply small businesses that help to sustainably fund non-profit programs.
What Social Enterprises does Mosaic run?
Why, Mosaic Resale of course.
Who is currently leading Mosaic?
So glad you asked because we think he rocks, our current CEO is Andrew Robinson. We also have a talented team of leaders that make this whole thing happen daily.
What Programs/Services does Mosaic offer to our community?
Mosaic Resale
Career Pathway Institute
100 Women Strong
Wonderland Toy Store