Employee of the Month

Meet Andre Palmer

Pastor Palmer is dedicated to his students and believes in the curriculum he teaches. He sees you and helps his students to see themselves
Pastor Andre Enriches the lives of all he encounters.
Pastor Palmer is a present leader who goes above his day-to-day and helps lend his voice to all we serve.

What are the Values that make up a Mosaic Employee of the Month?

1 Ownership Mentality
Give people an opportunity everyday to show up for themselves, family, and community. Everyone is a leader regardless of role.

2 Culturally Competent
Bridging the divide and seeking reconciliation through a heart of humility. We understand we don’t know everything, and try to empathetically understand the things we don't know about each other.

3 Innovative Transformative
Where every problem is actually an opportunity; that solution creates true change.


April Impact: 2023


March Impact: 2023