Wonderland Toy Store 2023 is fast approaching!

As the 2023 Christmas season approaches, the spirit of joy and generosity shines bright with the return of the Gift of GivingWonderland Toy Store. This heartwarming initiative embodies the love and care of the community, providing a unique and uplifting shopping experience for families faced with financial hardships during the festive season. The Wonderland Toy Store ensures that every child has the chance to unwrap a little magic on Christmas morning, regardless of their family's budget.

To make this vision a reality, and to ensure that the shelves of the Wonderland Toy Store are brimming with toys and smiles, there are several giveback events designed to rally the community's support:

Slackers Giveback - Date: Friday, November 24 - Location: Slackers - 1155 Vineland Rd., St. Joseph - Details: Enjoy laser tag, bounce houses, and arcade games with 30% of all sales donated to the Wonderland Toy Store.

Wanderlust Outfitters Giveback - Date: December 2nd - 3rd - Location: Wanderlust Outfitters - 120 State St, St Joseph - Details: Shop for outdoor adventures with 10% of all sales benefiting the Toy Store.

These giveback events are not just about raising funds; they're about community solidarity and the shared belief that no child should miss out on the wonder of Christmas.

As essential as monetary contributions are, the human touch brings these events to life. Volunteers are the backbone of this initiative. If you're moved to lend your time and heart, a community of like-minded people welcomes you. Sign up to volunteer for the Wonderland Toy Store at volunteersignup.org/RWM9H. Your efforts can turn this season into a beautiful reflection of compassion and fellowship.

Step into the season with the gift of giving. Celebrate, contribute, and volunteer – your actions weave joy into the tapestry of our community's Christmas narrative. Together, let's make the 2023 Christmas season one that's full of hope, happiness, and the true spirit of giving.


Impact Statement: November 2023


Holiday Alumni Event - December 14th!