Mosaic CCDA President Andrew Robinson and Team Promote Transformational Change in Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Akron, Ohio

Benton Harbor, MI – 10/25/23 – Andrew Robinson, President of Mosaic Christian Community Development Association (CCDA), and his team (Gabrielle Engle ED of Mosaic CCDA and Ambie Bell ED of Emerge Innovation Hub) traveled, toured, and spoke in Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Akron, Ohio in the month of October, highlighting the importance of transformational change in communities.


In Cincinnati, Robinson hosted a networking event to connect a larger ecosystem after hosting the pre-conference event on social entrepreneurship impact. This event focused on creating entrepreneurial ecosystems to support underrepresented and under-resourced entrepreneurs. He was joined by Ambie Bell, Executive Director of Emerge, a business incubator that is part of Mosaic CCDA's ecosystem for entrepreneurs.

Bell's message at the pre-conference event was that BIPOC business owners need assistance in connecting with the resources needed to succeed. This includes having access to capital, legal and financial expertise, and a supportive network of mentors and peers.


In Cleveland, Robinson spoke at the Stand Together National Conference, which teamed up with the LeBron James Family Foundation. He spoke on being a warrior in the fight against generational poverty and the institutions and practices that perpetuate it. He also spoke about the importance of community development in rebuilding lives and transforming communities.


In Akron, Robinson and his team toured the facilities of Room Three Thirty, a nonprofit organization that provides resources and support to entrepreneurs. The tour was courtesy of Mosaic CCDA's relationship with the Stand Together Foundation, which is a philanthropic organization that supports innovative solutions to poverty and injustice.

President Robinson and his team's trip to Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Akron was a valuable opportunity to connect with community leaders and entrepreneurs and to share their message of hope and transformation. Their work is inspiring, and they are making a real difference in the world.

Emerge's message at the networking event in Cincinnati was an important one. Business owners need to have access to the resources they need to succeed. This includes capital, legal and financial expertise, and a supportive network of mentors and peers.

Mosaic CCDA and Emerge are working to provide these resources to individuals in their community. They are also working to create an ecosystem where entrepreneurs can thrive.

President Robinson and his team's work to promote transformational change in communities is essential for creating a more just and equitable world. Their commitment to supporting community development is inspiring, and they are making a real difference in the lives of many people.


Impact Statement: October 2023


Emerge Innovation Hub hands out $47,000 in grants during ‘PitchNight’